Thursday 16 April 2009

Some Observations

Perhaps I've been reading too much Harry Potter lately, but following are my first thoughts upon waking up about one hour outside of Paris, on my way back home from a weekend in southern France:

It looks like the train tracks run behind Privet Drive and its surrounding communities. It's freezing in here and I feel a bit anxious, perhaps to return to Paris, away from the warmth and fun experienced in the south. I don't feel as if all happiness is gone, but it's definitely so misty and foggy out that I wouldn't be surprised if dementors were moving about. Indeed, I feel like I've just woken up from a dementor attack. I wish Lupin was around to hand me some chocolate, because surely "it helps."

I have been sitting on a train, in a car much like that which takes students to Hogwarts every term. Some weird magic must be amongst us; when the elderly man across from me woke up, the head padding somehow unlocked itself and separated from its wall hooks. He could be a professor: we didn't really talk much. He did say something to the effect of 'thank you' when I caught the padding and put it back in place. It wasn't in English and with my music confounding my actual ability to hear what was going on around me, I wasn't quite sure what I had heard. I wonder what his story is.

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